Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg ProgramEhsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program: The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is a government initiative launched under the Ehsaas Program in Pakistan, focusing on providing financial support to elderly citizens. Its main objective is to offer a monthly stipend to senior citizens who are 65 years or older and financially vulnerable, enabling them to live with dignity and independence.

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is a social welfare initiative launched by the Government of Pakistan under the broader Ehsaas Program. It specifically targets elderly citizens (bazurg) to provide financial assistance and support

Key Features For Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

Here are some key features of the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program:

Key Features of the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

  1. Financial Assistance for the Elderly: The program offers a monthly stipend to senior citizens, particularly those who are financially vulnerable, to help cover basic needs like food, medicine, and living expenses.
  2. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Citizens aged 65 years and older.
    • The household income must fall below a certain threshold, ensuring that the aid is given to those who truly need it.
    • Registered with the Ehsaas Survey and possess a valid Ehsaas card.
  3. Amount Disbursed: A regular monthly stipend (often around PKR 2,000) is disbursed to each eligible elderly citizen. The exact amount may vary depending on government policy updates.
  4. Simplified Process: The program aims to make the disbursement process straightforward, using digital payment methods like bank transfers or the Ehsaas Kafalat card to reduce barriers and ensure transparency.
  5. Part of the Larger Ehsaas Program: This initiative is part of the larger Ehsaas umbrella, which focuses on alleviating poverty and providing social safety nets for vulnerable populations in Pakistan.

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is a step toward ensuring dignity and financial independence for senior citizens in the country.

About Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is a government initiative launched under the Ehsaas Program in Pakistan, focusing on providing financial support to elderly citizens. Its main objective is to offer a monthly stipend to senior citizens who are 65 years or older and financially vulnerable, enabling them to live with dignity and independence.

Key Highlights of the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

  1. Target Group:
    • Elderly citizens aged 65 years and above.
    • It is particularly aimed at low-income senior citizens who lack sufficient financial support or are living below the poverty line.
  2. Financial Aid:
    • The program provides a monthly stipend to eligible senior citizens. The amount is designed to help cover basic living expenses, such as food, healthcare, and utilities.
    • Typically, the stipend amounts to PKR 2,000 per month, although this may be subject to periodic adjustments based on government decisions.
  3. Eligibility Criteria:
    • Applicants must be 65 years or older.
    • They must belong to low-income households, with their financial situation verified through the Ehsaas Survey.
    • They should not already be benefiting from other similar social welfare programs.
  4. How to Apply:
    • Eligible individuals must be registered in the Ehsaas database through a survey conducted by the government.
    • Once identified as eligible, recipients can collect their stipend through the Ehsaas Kafaalat Card or through other approved banking and payment mechanisms.
  5. Objective:
    • The core aim of the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is to improve the quality of life for elderly individuals by reducing their financial dependency on others, ensuring they can meet basic needs with a sense of dignity and self-respect.
  6. Part of Ehsaas:
    • This program is part of the Ehsaas Program, a broader poverty alleviation strategy aimed at helping vulnerable groups such as the elderly, women, and people with disabilities.

Through this initiative, the government of Pakistan seeks to support elderly citizens in their later years, recognizing the challenges they face and providing them with the financial security they need.

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Impact and Benefits of Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program has made a notable impact in improving the lives of elderly citizens in Pakistan. By providing financial support to those over 65 years old, the program addresses critical issues like poverty and lack of social protection among senior citizens. Here are the main impacts and benefits of the program:

Impact of the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

  1. Reduction of Elderly Poverty:
    • The program provides a monthly stipend of PKR 2,000, helping elderly citizens from low-income backgrounds cover essential expenses like food, healthcare, and utilities. This reduces the financial strain on these individuals and decreases poverty among senior citizens.
  2. Social Protection for Vulnerable Groups:
    • Pakistan’s elderly population, especially those who are unemployed or without family support, often face challenges in affording basic necessities. The Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program acts as a social safety net, ensuring that senior citizens can access basic resources without complete dependence on others.
  3. Promotion of Dignity and Independence:
    • By providing direct financial aid, the program helps elderly citizens maintain financial independence. It empowers them to take care of their own needs, fostering a sense of dignity and reducing the emotional burden of relying on family members or charity.
  4. Reduction in Health Risks:
    • With increased access to financial resources, elderly citizens can afford better healthcare services, purchase medicines, and maintain better nutrition. This contributes to an overall improvement in their physical and mental well-being.
  5. Decreased Burden on Families:
    • Many elderly individuals live in multi-generational households where younger family members may already be struggling financially. The program helps reduce the economic pressure on families, providing a more stable environment for both the elderly and their caretakers.
  6. Social Inclusion:
    • Through the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program, senior citizens who may otherwise feel isolated or neglected due to financial dependence are brought back into the social and economic fabric of society. It affirms their value and role within the community.
  7. Digital Inclusion and Financial Literacy:
    • The program’s reliance on digital payment mechanisms, such as the Ehsaas Kafaalat Card, encourages greater financial literacy among the elderly population. It also introduces them to banking systems and formal financial channels, improving their engagement with modern economic systems.

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Benefits of the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

  1. Reliable Financial Support:
    • The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program ensures a consistent monthly stipend, offering reliable and predictable financial aid to those who qualify. This regular support helps elderly individuals plan and budget for their basic needs.
  2. Improved Quality of Life:
    • Elderly citizens benefit from better living standards, with improved access to healthcare, better nutrition, and less financial stress. This enhances their overall quality of life.
  3. Government Accountability and Transparency:
    • The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is part of the Ehsaas initiative, which focuses on transparent and digitized distribution of funds. By eliminating intermediaries and using direct digital transfers, it minimizes the chances of corruption and mismanagement, ensuring that the aid reaches the rightful beneficiaries.
  4. Ease of Access:
    • The application process is streamlined, with eligibility being determined through the Ehsaas survey. Payments are disbursed via efficient banking systems, reducing the complexity of accessing the funds.

Challenges and solutions for Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program has been a positive step toward providing financial security to elderly citizens in Pakistan, but like any large-scale social initiative, it faces several challenges. Addressing these challenges with appropriate solutions is key to the program’s long-term success and effectiveness. Below are some of the key challenges and potential solutions for the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program:

Challenges of the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program

  1. Limited Awareness Among Beneficiaries:
    • Challenge: Many elderly citizens, especially in rural or remote areas, may not be aware of the program or how to apply for it. They might lack access to information channels like the internet or social services.
    • Solution: Implement widespread awareness campaigns using traditional media (TV, radio) as well as community outreach programs. Local government representatives, community health workers, and NGOs can help spread awareness, especially in remote areas.
  2. Complexity of the Registration Process:
    • Challenge: The registration process, which involves verification through the Ehsaas Survey, may be too complex or cumbersome for elderly citizens, many of whom may not be tech-savvy or literate.
    • Solution: Simplify the registration process and offer in-person assistance at local government offices, Ehsaas centers, or through mobile registration units. The use of volunteer-based support could also help in assisting elderly applicants.
  3. Digital and Technological Barriers:
    • Challenge: The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program relies on digital payment mechanisms such as the Ehsaas Kafalat Card and bank transfers. Many elderly individuals, especially in rural areas, may be unfamiliar with digital banking or lack access to bank accounts and technology.
    • Solution: Provide digital literacy programs and facilitate the opening of bank accounts for elderly citizens. Establish more Ehsaas Payment Centers in rural and underserved areas where the elderly can collect their stipends in person.
  4. Limited Coverage and Insufficient Funding:
    • Challenge: The financial stipend of PKR 2,000 per month may not be sufficient to cover all the living expenses of elderly citizens, especially with rising inflation and costs of basic needs.
    • Solution: The government could consider increasing the stipend periodically in response to inflation. Expanding the program’s budget and resources through public-private partnerships or international aid might also help broaden its coverage and impact.
  5. Eligibility and Targeting Issues:
    • Challenge: Ensuring that only the truly needy elderly benefit from the program can be difficult. Some eligible individuals may not be identified correctly due to gaps in the Ehsaas database, while others may be excluded or face difficulties in proving their eligibility.
    • Solution: Regularly update and verify the Ehsaas Survey data to ensure accuracy in targeting the most vulnerable populations. Implement a more efficient grievance redressal system where those who are wrongly excluded can appeal and register.
  6. Delays in Payments:
    • Challenge: Payment disbursements might sometimes be delayed due to administrative bottlenecks, technical issues, or problems with banking systems, which can create financial hardship for elderly recipients.
    • Solution: Improve the payment disbursement infrastructure by using robust digital platforms that can track payments in real-time. Establish a dedicated hotline or online platform where recipients can report delays and seek help.
  7. Accessibility in Remote Areas:
    • Challenge: Elderly individuals living in remote or underserved areas may face difficulties in accessing the necessary resources, such as banks or Ehsaas centers, to collect their stipends.
    • Solution: Introduce mobile service units that visit remote areas to assist elderly citizens with registration, provide information, and disburse payments. Alternatively, expand partnerships with local post offices to distribute stipends in remote regions.

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Potential Solutions to Enhance the Program

  • Collaboration with NGOs and Local Authorities: Partnering with local non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local governments can help implement the program more effectively in hard-to-reach areas and assist in creating awareness.
  • Feedback and Grievance Systems: Establish easy-to-access feedback channels where recipients can report problems or suggest improvements. This could be in the form of a toll-free number, online complaint portals, or in-person grievance centers at local Ehsaas offices.
  • Periodic Policy Reviews: The government should conduct periodic reviews of the program’s impact and make adjustments where necessary, such as increasing stipends, improving access, or simplifying processes.


While the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program has made great strides in providing financial support to elderly citizens in need, it faces challenges related to access, registration, digital literacy, and the sufficiency of aid. Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program Addressing these through targeted solutions like better outreach, simplified registration processes, enhanced transparency, and integration with other social services can significantly enhance the program’s effectiveness and ensure its long-term sustainability.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program:

What is the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program?

The Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program is a social welfare initiative by the Government of Pakistan, aimed at providing financial assistance to elderly citizens who are 65 years and older. The program offers a monthly stipend to help them meet basic living expenses and improve their quality of life.

Who is eligible for the Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program?

To be eligible for the Ehsaas Ba-Himmat Bazurg Program, you must:
Be 65 years or older.
Be a resident of Pakistan.
Belong to a low-income household as determined by the Ehsaas Survey.
Not be benefiting from other similar social safety net programs.

How are payments made to beneficiaries?

Payments are disbursed through the Ehsaas Kafalat Card, which functions like a debit card. Beneficiaries can withdraw their stipend from designated ATMs, Ehsaas Payment Centers, or bank branches. In some cases, other approved digital payment methods may be used

How can I check my eligibility status?

You can check your eligibility status by visiting an Ehsaas Registration Center, or by contacting the Ehsaas Helpline. Alternatively, the government may provide online portals or SMS services for checking eligibility.

What happens if my application is rejected?

If your application is rejected and you believe you meet the eligibility criteria, you can file an appeal through the Ehsaas Grievance Redressal System. This can be done by visiting an Ehsaas office or through a dedicated helpline or online portal (if available).

Are there any future plans to increase the stipend amount?

While the current stipend is PKR 2,000 per month, the government may periodically review and adjust the amount in response to inflation and the cost of living. Future budget allocations or program expansions could result in changes to the stipend amount.

How does the program ensure transparency and prevent fraud?

The program uses digital payment methods and biometric verification to ensure transparency and reduce the risk of fraud or mismanagement. Regular audits are conducted to ensure that funds are disbursed properly to eligible individuals.

By Taleemi Wazifa

I am a freelance writer and digital marketer with over 10 years of experience in the blogging and tech industry. My specializes in SEO, social media marketing, and content creation

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